
1 Deck
Category: Golf
Level: Hard


Move all cards to waste, at the bottom of screen.


Stock. Cards are flipped over the waste, one at a time, by tapping on the stock. When stock is empty no redeals are allowed.

Waste. Game is won when you move all cards to waste/b>. When a card is added, has to be consecutive, up or down, no matter suit or colour. For instance, if card shown in waste is Seven, you can add a Six or Eight. On an Ace, only a Deuce can be played, and on a K only a Q can be played. When is not possible to add cards from tableu, touch the stock to obtain a new card.

7 Tableau Piles. Cards cannot be moved from pile to pile. Cards can move only to waste. Empty piles cannot be filled with any card. At the beginning there are five uncovered cards in each pile.